I help you land a better job to create a rewarding, meaningful, & Sustainable career

If you're a mid-career professional, you need a proven system to stay relevant and get hired in today's volatile economy:

  • Learn how to turn your experience into a powerful marketing campaign.
  • Learn how to build a referral network that brings the best jobs to you.
  • Learn how to create a professional brand that identifies you as a trusted leader and sought-after expert in your field.

Learn These skills and you'll never have to search for  a job again!

Ready? Start here!

Mid-Career change is different. 

You have to:

  • Stop being a job seeker and become an opportunity magnet !

  • Stop applying for jobs  you could do and focus on the jobs you were born to do !

  • Stop networking without a clear focus or intention when you could be building real referral relationships.

John Tarnoff - Candidate-Centric Career Advocate & Strategist

Hiring is broken.

As a mid-career professional, you are getting lost because the system doesn't know how to value people approaching or after 50.

Instead, take back control over your career, define the value you deliver, and get your network to sell that for you.

Start managing your career the right way

Learn the Three Elements to intentional, Lifelong Career Success

Define Your Superpower

This is the specific set of skills, abilities, and experiences that you use to define the ideal role you want to pursue. 

Recruit Your Community

Build a community of like-minded professionals to help connect you to opportunities and attract referrals, recruiters, employers, and clients to you.

Build Your Brand

Stand up for what you stand for to build trust, authority, and credibility in your field and extend your reputation.

Think about it...

  • If you know how to deliver value through your work, and can communicate that value, then people are going to understand where and how you can help them (and others) create and market better products and services and delight their customers. 
  • And by building your reputation around the key trends and issues that you want to support and solve, you make it easier for people to identify you and associate you with those solutions.

The results:

  • Your clarity and specificity instantly tells recruiters, hiring managers, or clients exactly how you can be useful in serving their goals and mission.
  • Your community connections understand what you deliver so they can market your value on your behalf - because it also serves your mutual best interest.
  • Your consistent and persistent engagement creates visibility and awareness - and drives interest and support for your message and the roles and responsibilities you seek.

What You'll Become

  1. Confident, clear and articulate about the value you deliver.
  1. A generous, engaged, mindful colleague supporting others in their professional growth.
  1. An inclusive community builder, using a growth mindset to connect with like-minded professionals for win-win opportunities.
  1. A trusted, sought-after expert, relied on for advice, guidance, and mentoring.
  1. A respected thought leader, offering constructive viewpoints on trends, opportunities, and challenges impacting your business today and in the future.

Ten Years in the Making

  • I've been developing and refining The Three Elements Career Builder framework since being invited to deliver a TEDx talk on the topic of personal transformation in 2012.
  • Experienced professionals want to keep going, doing what they love to do and do best. They don't want to deal with HR BS, ageism, or managers or companies who don't get their value.
  • By looking inwardly, developing a strong and self-reliant career narrative, and a clear sense of purpose around the work that you do, you can defy the short-term, toxic mindsets and recruiting practices that are ignoring your best talents and abilities.
  • Whether you join me in a coaching program or connect with me here or on LinkedIn, my pledge to you is that I will work for your greater empowerment and ability to manifest your dream career, collaborating with people you respect and delivering your best work.

Take Your next step leap!

a successful, meaningful, and purposeful career starts here:

What Clients Say...

John has a process that just works. It helped me analyze myself anew as a person, a father, a leader, and a professional. John also has a huge amount of experience and used this to provide direction, support, and guidance that was incredibly helpful. John was engaging, supportive, and flexible throughout the time we worked together.
I recommend John wholeheartedly. For those considering working with John – do it! If you do, put your whole self into it and trust the process and it will be enormously impactful.

Ed D.

senior tech executive | Global Sales & GTM Leader

I flew to Austin on Monday. I had a 3 hour lunch with the founders and the leadership team. I told my wife afterwards it was probably the best interview experience I've ever had (in my life).The recruiter called me the next day to tell me they were offering me the job. Accepted on the spot.

I'm really feeling great about the decision I made and how I made it. Thank you for the 8 sessions that made this possible.

Brian Y.

Senior Operations & Supply Chain Leader

After taking an in-depth personal assessment, we created a detailed strategy, process and specific tactics to tackle my transition journey. John is amazing to work with––He is well-versed and experienced in successfully guiding people through critical career transitions.

I would highly recommend working with John to successfully navigate the "next chapter" in your career.

Gwen G.

Senior Content STrategy/brand partnership leader

I hugely recommend John as a career coach. I am an age 60+ woman who, earlier this year, felt stuck and increasingly despondent about how to transition into a more fulfilling, mission-driven job. Today, after completing John’s coaching program, I am re-energized, clear, and committed to successfully finding and winning the right opportunity.

Giselle M.

Senior Global Communications Strategist

I have worked with several executive coaches in my career journey and John is by far the most effective. John helped me dig deeper as I developed my value proposition. John is a brilliant and intuitive coach who pushed me in all the right ways to tell my story in a new and more impactful way. I will definitely work with John again and highly recommend him.

Kimberly D.

Senior Retail solutions & Business Development Leader

I was hesitant at first to pay upfront for an intangible. I didn’t want to do something different only to get the same result. I can honestly say that hiring John was a brilliant move. He is intelligent, consistent, and skilled at helping people find their way, and you will leave his program with a framework to grow and achieve your goals.

Steven R.

Retail Merchandising & Point-of-Sale Strategist

If you no longer love your job...

Or your job no longer loves you - Maybe we should talk!

Unlike most coaches (who come out of HR), I spent over three decades as a corporate exec, freelancer, and startup entrepreneur before finding my next calling as an educator (Carnegie-Mellon Univ.), and career coach.

For over ten years, I've been supporting mid-career professionals going through career transition.

My Three Elements Career Builder framework flips the broken hiring system on its head and makes you the master of your own career destiny.

It's deceptively simple, but incredibly effective.

If you don't build your own dream, someone else will hire you to help build theirs.

Tony Gaskins Jr.

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In a more crowded and competitive economy, you need more than a personal brand to get above the noise and stand out. You need a deeper professional brand.

Upgrade Your Personal Brand to a Professional Brand
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