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As the workforce becomes increasingly multi-generational, and as careers become less linear and more portfolio-based, I help people build more sustainable, meaningful, and purposeful careers that align with their values and their most prized talents.
Visit my LinkedIn profile for more about my background!
After years producing and marketing movies for Hollywood studios, and launching a technology startup during the 1990s dotcom era, I realized that what really inspired me were the people behind all of those amazing projects.
I returned to school to earn a Master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, a counseling degree based in positive psychology. This approach focuses on personal responsibility, compassion, and self-forgiveness as pathways to mindfulness, reconciliation, and personal fulfillment.
My goal was to pivot my career from a focus on projects to a focus on people. This led to my roles at DreamWorks Animation, Carnegie Mellon Univ., and in my career coaching practice.
In this 15-minute presentation, I outline the five-step process that is the foundation of my career coaching methodology.
Concerned about the changing economic conditions in the wake of the 2008 recession, I realized that
- we were all going to be working longer,
- retirement was going to become a gradual slowdown vs. a sudden stop, and
- professionals were going to have to become more self-reliant, resilient, and resourceful in anticipation of more disruption, volatility, and uncertainty.
The intervening 15 years has played that out, for better and worse, and I believe that all generations now face an ongoing mid-career crisis, as employers continue to flounder in the face of macro economic trends, and are incapable of intelligently hiring experienced and capable managers to support their business growth.
But at the same time, these times can be a great opportunity for those of us with solid backgrounds, strategic vision, and lots to contribute!
The book launched on CBS This Morning in 2017 as an Amazon best-seller, and has continued to sell steadily since then, supporting thousands of people in planning and manifesting their second-act careers.
Over the past 10 years, I've built my coaching and consulting practice to discover new career tools and strategies to circumvent the broken hiring system, while empowering professionals to feel more confident about what they know and what they can deliver.
Before your even THINK of changing your career around, check out my popular courses on developing your personal, financial, and professional readiness and the best practices needed to navigate the multigenerational workforce.
Based on the application of Design Thinking to life and career mastery, this methodology was developed by Bill Burkett and Dave Evans of the Stanford University Master's-level Design Program.
Arianna Huffington's Thrive Global is a behavior change company dedicated to ending workplace burnout and teaching science-based tools and techniques to optimize productivity through mental, physical, and emotional self care.