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Since the 2008-09 Recession, and the continued disruption through and beyond the Covid pandemic, it has become clear that if you are over 50, you'll have an increasingly hard time getting hired.
How crazy is that, considering you're at the top of your game and doing the best work of your life?
Unfortunately, ageism and outdated corporate culture are affecting boomers and gen-x alike (and, sadly, they'll be coming for you next, millennials...)
So if you're interested in learning how to keep your career going, because you want to stay engaged, keep earning, and keep saving for that eventual retirement, this book is for you.
I interviewed seven professionals from different backgrounds and with different experiences.
They all came to their reinventions after going through some form of challenge or trauma and emerged out the other side transformed and headed in a good direction.
I first talked about these steps in my 2012 TEDx talk and go into much greater depth and detail on how to use them successfully to change your career around.
It's an "inside -> out" process, and I believe that the career you are looking for is already inside you, aching to get out.
Each of the fives steps contains a more granular level where you can apply the concepts in a number of ways.
Taken together, the Steps and Strategies constitute a comprehensive way of stepping into your reinvention process.
The book contains a set of practical worksheets you can use to plan and execute your second-act career reinvention.
Sign up for the Email Workshop and receive the worksheet handouts and weekly instruction to help you complete the process.
Arianna Huffington
Founder/CEO, Thrive Global,
Founder, Huffington Post
The makings of your second act - one filled with meaning and purpose - are already there. And with this inspiring and yet very practical book, John Tarnoff gives us a step by step guide in how to tap into it.
"A spirited, practical and can-do new book, skillfully showing readers how to take back control of their careers."
"A candid and accurate portrayal of the current boomer reality, providing hope, encouragement, and even a bit of humor!"
"This is a wonderful, thoughtful book. Here's the toolbox: joyously useful and hugely indispensable."
"Transitions are often harder than we expect, or hope. John Tarnoff’s five-step approach is an incredibly useful blueprint for navigating this exciting stage of life."
Author of unretirement
Boomer Reinvention is perfect for anyone contemplating the next stage of their career. Whether you're in your 40s, 50s, or older, you don't want to be cut down or shut out of your job or career. You want to learn the skills, techniques and practices to keep working as long as you want to.
If you're feeling discouraged, perhaps even betrayed, by your recent job loss, the introspective and confidence-building exercises I share in the book will get you back on track much sooner. You will be able to hold your head high as you attend networking events and interview for a new position. The 5-step methodology specifically addresses how to talk about your uncomfortable prior job experiences, and helps you accept and feel good about your age.
That's exactly what it will help you do. From formulating your resume, to drafting a better LinkedIn profile, to preparing for interviews, the book lays out a total of 23 strategies you can use to plan your job search. It will help you tap into your most leveraged skills and experiences to create a compelling story that will engage and inspire recruiters, referrers, and potential employers.
This is the main reason I wrote the book. After so many years engaged in one job or one company, it's easy to lose perspective. Boomer Reinvention will help you rediscover what you love doing, what you're good at, and what you can draw from to recharge the job or career you have now - or take everything you known and love and do in your work to the next level of achievement.
If you're retired, but still looking for something meaningful and purposeful to do with your time, this book is for you. The 5-step methodology takes you through a discovery process to figure out how to access your untapped sense of mission. Your ability to define and express what you want to do, how you want to serve (whether through non-profit or for-profit work) will help you naturally connect to the communities that are looking for your services.
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